kovarex, Oxyd, Klonan

kovarex, Oxyd, Klonan

01 Sep

today we are going to talk about some flying robot behavior improvements. Some of the problems we fixed were reported countless times, so I hope that some people will appreciate it :).

Quality of life versus flashy featureskovarex

I know that you are mainly looking forward to the new content, and that just quality of life improvements aren't the kind of things that make people buy the game and get excited for.

But I strongly believe, that if you want to add content, mechanics, and systems to a game, which already isn't simple, there is always a risk of just it being too much. By doing QOL improvements, we reduce the small hassles and annoyances, which effectively creates an extra mental space to enjoy more in the game. Its like cleaning your room before getting a new toy.

So to make things clear, the reason that we make and present these kind of changes is not because we don't want to make new flashy f...

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